About The Department


For The Department

Department head Speach

 Speech of the Head of the Anatomy and Histology Department
             Dear visitors of the Department website, it gives me pleasure to welcome you all. Let me let you all know that the Department of Anatomy and Tissue is considered one of the main pillars of the preparatory department during the first and the second year of study at the Faculty of Medicine. In this department, a student learns the basic information in describing and identifying all parts of the human body and its relationship with each other. A student is supposed to know the importance of this science in understanding and managing human creation and trying to understanding the pathogenic mechanism and the way to deal with it on the level of anatomical or histological formation. The embryology also contains the fetal formation in general, and the evolution of body systems in particular, separately and how differences and birth defects occur. 
            The department includes a number of skillful doctors who make great efforts to continue their teaching and working as a single and organized team through adherence to the teaching schedules in the theoretical or practical field and follow-up students without tiredness or boredom. They do so based on their sense of great responsibility towards their country and their students trying to achieve the goals of the anatomy department and reinforce the goals and vision of the College of Medicine. They do their best efforts for improving the outputs enabling them to compete on the scientific and practical level either on  local or international counterparts. 
 Head of the Anatomy Department
Prof. Dr. Fathia Mohammed Sa'ad Al-Ezzi